Welcome Home, Saints!
Welcome Home, Saints!
We appreciate your interest in our beloved Sacred Heart Catholic School. Our Endowment exists to ensure our Teresian founded school will be around for future generations of Sacred Heart Saints.
The Sacred Heart Catholic School Endowment Fund was created in 2015 with the Catholic Foundation. The fund was created with a generous gift from the parishioners' of Sacred Heart Parish of $70,000, and has continued to grow through additional gifts and sound investment management. The funds are used to assist the school in annual educational upgrades. The annual income distribution available from the endowment fund is currently at 3% of the endowment's average asset value.
Persons interested in contributing to the school's Endowment Fund may donate by mailing payments to: Sacred Heart Catholic School
Attn: Endowment Fund
401 W. Leona
Uvalde, Texas 78801
Please specify the purpose of the donation by naming the endowment fund in the memo of the check. For questions or assistance, please contact the school office at 830-278-2661, during the summer you may contact the Parish office at 830-278-3448. Thank you for your interest and donations. All for Jesus!